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多士済済 〜English version available〜


少林寺拳法池袋スポーツセンター支部のブログへようこそ!今回は2023年初の修練活動についてご紹介します。また、当支部初の試みとして今回のブログは日英両表記で書かせていただきました。(FYI, the English version of this blog is in the below)さて、2023年1月14日(土)に新年初の修練を行いました。当支部の特徴として、一か月に一回の正規修練日を設けているので、今回は約20名のメンバーが集まってくれました。









Welcome to ShorinjiKempo Ikebukuro Sport Center branch! Here is the introduction of our branch’s activity details on January 14, 2023 (Sat) and this is our first time to write in both English and Japanese.

What make our branch unique is that the formal practice day is once a month, yes once a month. And this time we had 20 members joined had fun training together.

In the very beginning, we united our voices and our hearts to commit Chinkongyo, and yes, it is always nice to unite and hearts and voices. Once entering the basic training which relates to the later-described Unyoho (Self-Defense/Fighting Techniques), we began with the consecutive defense and attack techniques or can be called “combo”, and in order to stretch body and brain, the practice included with using the same attach and defense techniques on the same hand and leg, then continue with different hand and leg before entering moving techniques after we got some good sweat. Then we continue practice session with the basic of Unyoho which is conquer and overcome fear by getting used of being attacked and attacking the opponent. This practice method is also used widely amongst professional fighters, the practice was rearranged to practice with different ages/stamina/gender and body sizes, all members enjoyed with lovely smile ♪.

During the Unyoho practice session, we began with limited movements and frequency of hands and legs usage. Then make it harder a little by little by practice self-defense/fighting techniques starting with 1vs1 then 1vs2 then 1vs3 then 1vs4 and 1vs5 which is also called “ShutekiToho” or fighting with several opponents. This session assumed with various situations when you need to fight, as part of ShorinjiKempo self-defense martial arts. The purpose of this practice is not to hurt each other, but to getting better and better all together. Somehow, it must look weird from the other perspective when looking at people, getting along together, having fun by punching each other with a full smile ♪.

Furthermore, we divided members to 2 group with normal practice group and Dan-examinee group for Hokei practice as we have U-san scheduled to take 2nd-Dan exam by the end of fiscal year, T-san, O-san for 4th-Dan and I-san for 5th-Dan in summer which we believe all members had fun aiming to their goals.

Finally, thank you for reading through! Please feel free to send DM to our official Instagram account if you felt interested in ShorinjiKempo! We have trial session for beginners accepted as needed. The next practice day is February 11, 2023 (Sat)/National Foundation Day. Let’s study self-defense art together!





8/4 日曜 支部修練 少年部 錬成大会間近で、目標があると子ども、親たちもより熱心になりますね。 一般部 学生や復帰希望OBや他道院からの出稽古体験も14名ほどおり、全体の3分の1ほどを占め 約40名での修練も楽しく盛り上がりました!支部メンバーはお休み多めでした〜...


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